Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Healthcare crisis?

I continue to hear a plethora of politicians, press members, TV reporters, and everyone repeat the phrase "healthcare crisis" in an array of different discussions. The President uses it daily and you can't watch more than 10 minutes of the news without hearing about it. Even those opposed to "Obamacare" cede the 'fact' that there is a healthcare crisis in America. I beg to differ.
Unless I am completely mistaken on the definition of the word "crisis", I have great difficulty in seeing the imminent and immediate danger in greater than 90% of Americans having some form of health insurance. The fact is that there are comparitively few Americans who do not have adequate or good health insurance. The fact is that in America today we enjoy the greatest health care system the world has ever known. Perfect? No. But still the greatest the world has ever known.
The "crisis" being described is a complete fallacy. A lie told to the American people to scare them into the waiting arms of the nanny state communists in control of our government. It ISA shameless and just plain disgusting political tactic. What angers me most is that it is working.
The most powerful politicians opposing "Obamacare" concede a fact that is not fact. It is a dizzying notion that an entire nation of people unquestioningly agree to this. We need not do anything to our healthcare system in America.
If we have such a crisis here, please explain to ne why any Canadian with malady and money is coming to America to procure medical services. Wouldn't that fact alone be an indicator that our system is at least better than theirs? I think any reasonable person should agree with such a conclusion. And yet the lie is propogated daily. And worse yet, the claim is that our system should be changed to be more like Canada's. Well, if we do that, where will Canadians go for health care? Apparently they haven't much confidence in their system, or they wouldn't be rushing south to use ours!
The constant barrage of communist propoganda from the President and his cronies is frightening in quantity and hypocrisy.
Obama's own advisor is one who is raking in millions of dollars from pharmaceutical companies itching to send inflated invoices into the government health service.
Nobody will want to be a doctor when where and what type of medicine they will practice will be dictated by the medical equivalent of the Department of Motor Vehicles, particularly when their salaries will be determined by same.
The proposals in flux now have provisions to take our money from our bank accounts, consolidate our medical records into the aforementioned Department of Motor Vehicles medical branch, and decide for us if our loved ones are worth keeping alive, among others.
Any one of those provisions should make any American stand and scream "NO!!!!" at the top of their lungs from the highest hill they can find.
So, why do we propogate what we should all recognize as a complete falsehood? To that question, I have no answer. Is it a fear of political incorrectness? That is entirely possible, if not plausible. After all, we have been told that simply disagreeing with a policy of President Obama makes us ipso facto racists. A more ridiculous notion I have not heard. But the night is young, and Obama has only had 17 press conferences today. Perhaps there will be a contender in one of the next 17 today.
Obama and his O-bots have succeeded in creating a sense of creeping panic in regards to healthcare. We have begun to believe the outrageous lie that we do have a crisis right now and inaction would be more costly than mis action. I beg any and all Americans to call, email, write to your Representatives, Senators, and the President himself.
Tell them you see through their faulty charade.
Tell them there is no healthcare crisis.
Tell them that no action need be taken by the government to sieze American health and fortune.
Tell them that your vote, and your campaign contributions, depend entirely on their inaction.
Tell them that no healthcare bill is acceptable.
If you remember nothing else of this rant, please remember these 2 things: the citizens of America ARE the government and there is NO health care crisis here ....

Thank you for reading. I look forward to refining this blog with frequent future postings. Until then, remember my rule of thumb regarding anything politics ... What would Thomas Jefferson think?

Alex Lonchiadis

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