Friday, November 20, 2009

It Begins ...

It was announced that a study conducted by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has determined that the preventative screening method of mammography is not required until a woman achieves the age of 50. The recommendation suggests the initiating of these exams a full decade later than the studies done by numerous medical boards for most of our lifetimes. Also, and perhaps more significantly, the

Federal Gov’t recommendation indicates that the self exam, which has been taught to women for as far back as most of us can remember as a possible early indicator, should not be taught, encouraged, recommended, or be done at all.

It is my understanding that a mammogram is essentially an X-Ray of the breast whilst it is unmercifully squeezed flat between two cold metal plates and while various medical personnel (and their friends and family) stand, point and laugh. I also believe that the instructions for the technician are to pull, twist and grab the breast in such a way as to guarantee pain, or at least moderate discomfort.

All of that said, a mammogram, like any other X-Ray seems relatively less expensive when considering its cost against that of radiation and/or chemotherapy and/or mastectomy surgery. Even if a mammogram is more expensive than a standard X-Ray, which I suspect it would be (though not by an extraordinary multiplier), I would think it has added value. In terms of emotional costs and quality of life for the women in question, I would think it highly preferential.

I think any reasonable person would agree with the notion that preventative measures generally allow for the avoidance of high cost consequences due to neglecting to address large problems preemptively, or in their early stages. This is true of virtually everything from automobile care to our own bodies.

I am not a doctor, nor do I have breasts, but it occurs to me that there is no reason that the self exam should be discouraged. One would think that in the shadow of Big Red, to show a propensity for cost savings, a free exam deemed as a preventative measure would be encouraged to no end and included in the plan as a cost savings vehicle.

As a side note: Ladies, if you would like assistance with your breast exam, please feel free to contact me to set up an appointment. I would be happy to perform an extensive examination and give my opinion.

The published study concludes: (in part)

• Women between the ages 50 and 74 should receive mammograms every other year, not annually;

• Doctors should not instruct women how to examine their breasts on a regular basis; and

• There was insufficient data concerning the benefits of screening after age 74

Am I the only one to whom this appears to be the first effort of a government controlled healthcare system to begin inflicting rationing of said care?

I’m certainly not naive enough to consider this an innocuous coincidence with the healthcare debate and the fear mongering associated with the handling of the swine flu vaccines.

I have great respect and admiration for women. I have, for virtually my entire life, consistently made and kept female friends more so than male. I generally have one or two male friends with whom I speak at a level that can be deemed frequent, but simultaneously have no less than three to five female friends, in addition to a significant other, with whom I speak frequently. Assign to it whichever quality you see fit, I just get along better with women than I do men.

For reasons scattered across the continuum of relationship, there are many women for whom I am concerned in matters of health and general welfare. When I see a study like this come out of our government, my protective knight in shining armor chivalrous characteristics stand front and center. Suddenly I fear that the women I care for in this world have just become less safe. That is most decidedly not ok with me. I will settle for no less than an increase in their positive health and safety at any given moment, in any given field of discussion.

For approximately two generations the proliferation of breast cancer in American women has been declining. Until it reaches zero, it is not enough. But declining is certainly a good thing. That decline has been in large part attributed to the increasing awareness and education of women to self exam, in addition to regular mammograms, to aid in diagnosing the maladies in their very early stages. Early diagnosis is essential to the survivability of, and level of quality of life after, breast cancer.

The notion that women between forty and fifty years of age will now be sacrificed in the name of communist healthcare is an outrage.

What is far more disturbing is that women will not be taught to self exam. This seems ludicrous on its face for it is virtually free for women to do it. All it requires is a little of their time.

Ah, but that’s the rub{pun intended} It isn’t the exam itself that the government would be concerned about. It would be if a woman finds something of concern. During a self exam the discovery of something causing concern would mean that women would be making an appointment with their doctor to further investigate the matter. That means ultrasound, mammogram, etc. and all of that costs money.

The government would much prefer that women go about their lives without discovering these things early so that at age 50 when they have their first mammogram and the advanced tumor is discovered they can say “sorry, you’re too old, and the cancer is too advanced, for the government healthcare system to invest in your treatment. Please go home and die quietly without costing us any more money.”

So the Catch 22 is this. Women who discover such serious malady early can get treatment because they are young enough to warrant society investing in the treatment. But if you’re too old upon it’s discovery, society will not invest further into your health. Women should not (or possibly will be prohibited from) attempt to detect these ailments earlier in their life.

The outrage which has ensued from this published study has been warranted, and adequate to cause significant efforts by the White House and HHS Secretary to enact damage control. But the outrage should not stop short by one millimeter of removing, by physical force if necessary, any Executive or Congressional supporter of public healthcare from office.

This is nothing short of the initial government death panel. There will be much, much more if we do nothing to stop it.

Anyone who knows me is aware that I am not a religious man. It will surprise those to hear me say this. If we do not stop this agenda and remove these enemies from office in very short order, God help us all ….

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What can we do?

A friend and reader has asked me a very astute and important question pertaining to the conversation I try to illicit here. “What can we do?”
She said she sees wisdom in some of my writings, but feels powerless against the political machine that we have discussed. She feels that her voice is inaudible to the people that purport to represent her in the State and Federal government. She told me that she does feel impelled to make her opinions known to her representatives but is uncertain how to do so, or if it would make any difference should she succeed.
In response, I promised that I would dedicate an entry to describe actions that can aid her, and all of us, in the struggles to have our voices heard by those in office. I, like you, feel this same overwhelming sense of drowning when I consider the task of communicating with my representation in government. There is a disconnect felt, in my opinion by design, from the electorate and those serving. Anecdotally we could view this as an email server with a list of addresses to ignore. With our addresses on the list, our messages are deleted upon arrival, or dropped into the bulk mail folder, never to be viewed, before the folder is emptied upon exiting the application.
So, how does a person whose address has landed in the spam folder get a message to the recipient? Well, it appears to be very cumbersome, and to many, intimidating.

While every government official will always tell us to feel free to contact them, most of us know that (at least at higher levels) our messages are reviewed by a low level staffer, likely an intern, who then summarizes the bulk of messages to a higher level staffer, possibly a more experienced intern, who then summarizes the summary for a high level staffer, who in turn summarizes that summarized summary for the chief of staff, who in turn tells the representative that they have mail, it’s been opened and read, no actions required at this time.
It sounds ridiculous, I know, but it is almost certainly the norm for those in Federal, or even state wide, offices.

So, how can I help? Well, I can offer some advice and provide some links for you. Sounds like a pittance in comparison to the task, but I assure you that you will feel better about the situation after you read on.
First things first, who are the people that represent you? Well, we all have the same … er.. huhumm … President. (eghk, I feel dirty. Oh, did I say that out loud?) The executive branch of the federal government denotes a constituency of the sum of all citizens of the United States. So, that one is easy. If all you want to do is send a message to the White House, hit and you will find a neat little ‘contact us’ tab where you can drop a message into their junk bin, I mean, send an email to the President. All joking aside, it is at that site where you can find a physical address for sending snail mail, as well as the telephone number where you can call and speak with staffers and/or leave messages. (up until Obama this number had a 24/7 voicemail but now it will only accept messages during business hours). Don’t get discouraged. Executive branch has a constituency of more than 300 million people. That’s a lot of messages; nobody can reasonably expect the President to answer his own phone for all of those. However, from there we can also find contact for the Vice-President and the Cabinet. Feel free to send messages to all of them. Copy and paste a message body if it suits you. Just be sure to change the salutation for each recipient. It would be disrespectful to send messages addressed to the wrong person.
Speaking of disrespectful, if you really want to help your cause, be certain to always show respect to the person you are writing to, whether or not you feel the person deserves your respect. If it makes you feel better, address their office/title with respect. “Dear Senator” instead of “Hey Wafflin’ John” would be a good example of this.
I have yet to discover a method to gather any information on all of the Czars. They seem to be completely covert, yet they each garner more power and taxpayer money than the true Cabinet positions ….. Hmmmm.

Very well, we have touched on the Federal Executive; now let’s address the Federal Legislative. As you know, the Legislative is made up of two bodies, The House of Representatives and the Senate.
The Senate provides for two seats for each of the fifty states to create equal representation in the Senate for all states regardless of size or population. These two seats do not have specific districts for each, but rather treat both as statewide representation to the federal government. So, both of those individuals have a constituency of each resident of their respective state. That is still a lot of people. Most of us know who our two Senators are. You can find them at
If you click the ‘Senators’ link in the top navigation pane, you will be redirected to a page where you can search by state, name, or class. (I can speak about class in another installment if it should be requested) Once you have your two Senators names displayed, you can click their name to be redirected to their Senate page containing various news items, contact, etc. Those of us in Massachusetts please note, while Paul Kirk is listed as a Senator right now, he was appointed to replace the deceased Ted Kennedy. An appointment by Governor Deval Patrick who slipped in the press conference stating that Mr. Kirk was appointed because Deval really liked Star Trek. No, I’m kidding. The slip was that Kirk was appointed “because we can count on him to continue Se. Kennedy’s work”. Translation: we can count on him to do what we (Obama) tell him to do and nothing else. So, if you’re bored and want to talk with him, feel free, but it won’t do anything. He’ll be gone following special election in January 2010. Depending upon one Senator Lieberman, he may not even have a chance to rubber stamp Big Red for his boss, Mr. Obama. As many of us may have shouted repeatedly as a child playing war in the back yard, Go Joe!
Much more importantly for our specific purpose here, is the top navigation menu on the Senate website. If you click on ‘Legislation & Records’ you will find a page that is a virtual cornucopia of information. Much of it will seem nonsensical if it is the first time you bear witness to the records of government. But, thanks to the internet, with a little experience you will find yourself navigating and understanding.
Bills are always given a number, like an ID code. In the House of Representatives, this ID is HR.xxxx and in the Senate the ID is S.xxxx. Back in the day one would have to find this ID# to search for the happenings around a particular bill. Now, we can search by its popular names. So, if you type in “Giant Communo-fascist Bolshevik Revolution” you will be immediately directed to Barrack Obama’s healthcare bill. Well, not really, but how funny would that be?
Seriously, using the page you can search by ‘healthcare’ or ‘capital gains tax’ the list presented will be much more manageable. This is an unbelievable leverage of information that the common citizen could not have imagined just a score ago. Use it frequently. It will bring you to, and let you download, the PDF file of the actual bill being debated.
There is no shortcut here. You have to read the bills. 99% of the time you will be wondering if you should call a lawyer or a Martian interpreter. The bills read very dry, fantastically long winded, and often have many references to other very long, very dry, and very Martian sounding bills and/or existing legislation. But, you have to do it. There is no better source of information than the actual bill. Once you have the bill you can forget everything the “news” has told you about this particular bill and read it yourself.
I use the example of the recent Massachusetts “pandemic bill” which was touted as a means to protect the population in the event of a swine flu pandemic. I read the bill folks, it doesn’t say anything about anyone being, getting, or attempts to prevent anyone from getting, sick. All it says is that the Governor declares an emergency and sends the state police to take you from your home, by physical force if necessary. But, even now that it is law; it is still referred to as “pandemic bill” ….

And now, a question for you; we all know our ZIP code. That 5 digit code that the Post Office needs to put on anything that is shipped into or within the US. But, how many of us know what our 'ZIP+4' is? And if so, do we know what the +4 is for?
Well, among other things that the Post Office may need it for, those extra 4 digits on the back end of our ZIP code are used to split geographic areas into districts for our House of Representatives.
The House is constantly growing. You see, the number of Representatives for the states depends on population. More populous states get more Representatives. More Reps., more votes. The two per state system in the Senate was designed to offset the obvious advantage different states may have in the House. So, since population is constantly growing and shifting, the number of Representatives is also constantly growing and shifting. Article I Section 2 of the US Constitution enumerated the Representatives as “Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.”
This was later revised in Amendment 14 of the US Constitution to read “Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed”
What does all this mean? Well, they take the census information for each state and use those numbers to determine how many districts it will have. The number of districts equals the number of Representatives for each state and, therefore, which seats represent which geographical areas. It is because of this method that I find it both disturbing and horrifying to learn that Barrack Obama has, by Executive Order, has altered the method by which the actual enumeration is completed to include a technique known as ‘sampling’.
Sampling, for lack of a better description, is guessing. The US Constitution calls for the enumeration of the citizens of the United States. So, when the Census Bureau worker knocked on a door, when that door opened he/she would count how many people lived there (Mom, Dad, son, daughter). That sounds simple and reasonable enough to me.
Under sampling techniques, that same worker, at that same house, can look at the home and say “well, there were 2 adults and 2 children that I could see, but the second level of that house looked big enough for 2 more adult people to live up there, so I will count those people, as well.
For only a few single family homes, this wouldn’t alter the number by a large percentage. But, if you have that same person looking up at the monolithic apartment complexes of the big cities, the variance will be astounding. And, as such, large cities will have extraordinarily bloated census numbers, and their respective states will get more districts based on those numbers, and more taxes apportioned by those numbers. To oversimplify, it’s telling the government you have to feed five people instead of 2 so they send more food. It is intentional lying to facilitate the theft of tax dollars.
Although the Reapportionment Act of 1929 capped the House at 435 Members, the districts they serve can be altered and, with passage of another law, the number can be changed as well. But, I digress.
The House of Representatives uses your ZIP+4 to determine your district and, therefore, your Representative. So, look at your license or some mail, get your ZIP+4 and head to
There in the top left of the page you will find the search field to find out who your Rep is.
Now we are getting somewhere. A member of the House of Representatives has a geographical district to represent. Only those who are residents in his/her geographical district are his constituents. The average constituency of any on Representative is about 650,000 citizens. Obvious variances will occur given different size districts but, that is a much lower number than 300+ million. It’s not low enough to expect any Rep to talk to every person he represents in each two year term. But, He/she is certainly more reachable. Find out who your Rep is and get contact information. Not just the DC information. Go to their individual sites and get the local office contact information. They all have their own sites independent of the pages and they are all required to keep offices in their districts staffed. Even when they themselves are in Washington, there is somebody there. Call often, leave messages. Write letters and emails. Keep up with the news about your Rep and watch their voting record. When you call them, make sure they know you are informed. Be specific, respectful and reasonable. Make sure they know that you vote, and don’t be afraid to tell them that you will gladly work with their opponents in the next election if you remain unsatisfied. Be conservative in your demands. Be assertive, but not uncompromising. If they think you’re a nut, they will discount your opinion. But, if they hear an argument that would sway other voters you speak with, they will listen. Remember, they are up for re election every two years. Their seat is virtually always on the line. If you make them believe they could have an influential ally or adversary in you depending on their voting, you have won.
My Representative is Jim McGovern. He doesn’t reply to any of my messages anymore, but I’m certain he recognizes my name. I’m also certain he knows that I will do anything in my power to pry his ass out of that seat.

State government: I will address Massachusetts State gov’t specifically. But, anyone from another state with questions, please feel free to contact me or leave a comment and I will certainly help you to know more about your state government.
Governor Deval Patrick has contact information listed at
The site will be the main page through which you can locate your state representation. On the home page there is a left navigation bar to allow access to where you can find the General Court of the Commonwealth, commonly referred to as the State Legislature. Modeled after the Federal Legislative, it consists of two bodies: The State Senate and the State House of Representatives. Unlike their Federal namesakes, both bodies are district representative and for your town and address you will have a listed State Rep and State Senator. While you will find the Governor’s office to be only slightly more responsive than the President’s, please feel free to write, call, and email often. At this level, sheer numbers of messages could possibly have an effect. At the very least, there is less of a filter between us and the Governor than between us and the President. Rightfully so ;)
But, Your State Rep and State Senator are very likely to meet with you in person, if you so choose. And they have a small enough constituency that your one vote matters to them. Again, regardless of your politics or personal feelings, be respectful and informed.
The site will allow you to search by town/district to determine your State Rep and Senator and then link to their individual contact information and biography. From the /legis page you can also search current state bills being considered, roll call votes, recent news, and even streaming video feeds from the separate bodies (when in session). The site is not very flashy, but just gushing with information, which is how tax dollars should be spent. State Legislature roll call votes are also public information, just like the Federal Legislature. So, you can follow your State Rep and/or State Senator around (via phone and email I am not advocating or condoning stalking behaviors) with their voting record in hand and ask them why they voted the way they did. Many State Legislators have their own websites, as well. Use them to find out about events where they will be fundraising and attend. You will be able to speak with them face to face at those events. Once again, be respectful and reasonable if you want to be heard. You may find out that your Rep, like mine, also has a Facebook or other social networking site. Don’t be afraid to add them to your friend list. I am lucky. My State Rep is an intelligent and reasonable man with whom I have enjoyed many interesting conversations that could have certainly continued if not for the pressure of time we both have. We know each other by sight and first name.

You may have noticed recurring themes here. The most important one is to be INFORMED. The others are related to your interaction by being calm, respectful and reasonable. You won’t be taken seriously if you are a ranting red-faced crazy person staking out the office. But most importantly, get your data right.
Make sure you know as much as humanly possible about the subjects you intend to discuss. Keep reference data; make notes of historical laws and other facts that may aid you. Facts are stubborn things. Those of you who have the pleasure (or displeasure, if you think so) of knowing and/or debating with me have heard me say it many a time. It is a quote attributed to the Statesman Benjamin Franklin, though it has also been attributed to many others, and is a favorite of mine. Facts are very stubborn things. An established fact does not change if we like it, dislike it, find it gross, or stupid, relevant or irrelevant, strange, reasonable or any other view. It remains a fact. But, we must be careful of “facts”. Ha! Yes, punctuation is so important. In the world today we are bombarded 24/7 by news, advertisements, TV, radio and lord knows how many other media, electronic or otherwise. And many of those news sources purport to have journalists reporting the news. Almost all of them are full of shit. I am uncertain if there are ANY journalists in America today. A journalist reports facts. Period. No commentary, conjecture, speculation, or opinion included. (assembly required)
The evening news discussing a house fire on such and such street may constitute journalism for a few minutes, but those people are not journalists. Pick any news show, channel or newspaper and you will likely find out that they are handing out commentary and calling it journalism. Some of you probably know that I .. think very little of the New York Times, to put it nicely. The reason for that is because the entire newspaper has become an Op-Ed page. If I want opinion writers, I’ll turn to the opinion page, I want the NEWS on the front page, not your preferred view of the news, not the news you think I should be talking about, the NEWS. The origin of the word news is as an acronym. North East West South (NEWS) and it was the desire to know the various goings on in the area in which one lived and surrounding territories. I want facts, not what you think of the facts that you haven’t told me. I pick on the New York Times because they are so very visible, and because they don’t even attempt to disguise the fact that they are full of shit anymore. I have told a friend of mine who loves the paper that I would let my dog use it as a training pad and he would contribute as much to journalism as all of the writers in the employ of the paper. And, I believe that completely.
My point is that all of your facts must be properly vetted. Do the research. Find multiple sources on the same subjects. We all have our favorites, but multiples is the way to go. As with other things in life.

You will get further in conversation with your representatives if you format your conversation as if you were asking them about the subject rather than telling them. Let them describe it from their point of view and use your data to challenge where appropriate. Make suggestions, not demands. Ask how you can help them achieve the goals you set for them. Take a collaborative approach whenever possible and check your ego at the door. You’re one citizen of many, they hold the seat. If you want them to listen to you seriously, you have to make them believe it is in their best interest to do so. But remember, they are all in politics. Breaking that word into its roots one will find poly-the prefix meaning many, and ticks- meaning blood sucking parasites. In dealing with them I would refer to another of my favorite American character’s quotes, one Ronald Reagan was known to say “Trust, but verify”. So, give them time to react to your conversations, but follow up to be sure they know you are still there. On a personal note, I have found my fascination with early American History, and specifically the Founders, to be immensely useful in overcoming some anecdotal objections. If you are so inclined, I highly recommend Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Ben Franklin, George Washington, and Thomas Paine as names whose research will bear much fruit for argumentative ammunition.

Okay my friends and readers; this is the most comprehensive narrative on becoming a political junkie that I could try to construct. If you have made it this far, you are likely already well on your way. To which I say, “How about I grab a sixer of Sam Light and come over to watch C-Span? Harry Reid will be on tonight!”

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Alex Lonchiadis

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Shout out

What, what!!!
Big Daddy O in the hizzy!
Gots to give props to my homey. Gots a shout-out Yo, yo doctor joe! You da man! Winning dat medal. Y'all know that's the shizznit.
Dis here has been one kick ass conference. Y'all put out a phat spread and I got my eat on. Props to y'all who put it together...
Sup with my man going crazy and shootin dem folks down in Fort Hood? Yo, brotha, peace. Y'all don't got to go shootin folks.
So, anyway, yo. My peeps ripped this party up. And y'all native americans, we down. It's all good.
Peace, out dog.
Big Daddy O

Okay. This is definitely over the top, tongue in cheek. But, would have been any less disrespectful than what Obama's actual remarks were to address today's tragedy in Fort Hood, Texas? I think it would be very close.
For a President and Commander-in-Cheif to openly display utter disrespect for this situation is inexcusable.
This was a peek behind the mask. What we saw today was indicative of President Obama's real self. We saw an abhorrent display of how this President regards America and it's soldiers. His behavior today was as inappropriate as hiring a clown for a funeral. Actually, that's precisely what it was.
I challenge anyone to give one reasonable excuse for his remarks today. And, my liberal friends, remember ... The key word there is "reasonable".
I know that may be a foriegn concept to you. But, it is a prerequisite to converse in this forum.
I await your replies ....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Alex Lonchiadis

Monday, November 2, 2009

Obama's Open Treason

Like most of you, I have a busy life to attend to. Daily responsibilities and obligations which I cannot ignore. There are people who count on me day to day who, for various reasons, I cannot let down. We all spend much of our time doing the things we need to do, and the time left is for the things we want to do.
This blog is something I want to do. I recognize that there are those out there that feel as I do about politics and current events. I also recognize (hoping to sound confident, not arrogant) that I may be more talented than others in the area of communicating those ideas via the written word. But it appears to ne that this blog may deserve to be listed among the things that I need to do, rather than things I want to do.
Like you I have been following the numerous stories in our Nation regarding healthcare. In particular, what I have begun referring to as Big Red, the healthcare reform bill making is way through Congress. But also, and don't kid yourself - very much related, the multiple threads of stories regarding the swine flu, seasonal flu, and their respective vaccines. As well as discussions regarding economy and affordability.
I recognize fully that the swine flu and seasonal flu are both real, legitimate threats to public health. They have been as far back as any records of human history go. The swine flu is nothing new. The US Military gave innoculations specifically targeted at the swine flu before I was born. The swine flu is yet another strain of the flu that humans will need to combat today, as in the past, as well as in the forseeable future. But, the swine flu is no more or less dangerous than the seasonal flu or other varied strains.
I do not seek to minimize the threat. I am taking the time to recognize the threat as a precursor to my assertion that the stories about swine flu have been siezed upon and propogated to exacerbate the arguments being made for a government takeover of American healthcare.
Make no mistake. I make the following statement with not one iota of hyperbole. A federal healthcare bill is a government takeover of American rights and the American economy. This, my fellow citizens, is a Bolshevic Revolution. If any form of this "government option" is ratified as law, we will be a fully communist nation. And there may not be a way back to liberty.
We have allowed a manchurian candidate to sieze power that he will not soon abdicate. We have allowed a domestic enemy of the US Constitution, the American way of life, and American people in general to take the highest office.
I am uncertain that any measure short of a complete revolution can set things on the path back toward the great vision of The Founders.
If you seek some justification of my referring to Barack Hussien Obama as a domestic enemy of America, look at the most recent iteration of swine flu story. Momentarily disregarding the vaccination of prisoners before law abiding, tax paying citizens. (We can address that fully at a later date.) More important is the news that the President of the United States provided foriegn enemies of America doses of a vaccine that has been stated as both in short supply, and essential to the health of American children.
That act is pure treason. Unabashed, unvieled treason on the part of the President. It is giving direct aid to our enemies in war time. There is nothng indirect or academic about this. The President has openly shown that he believes the lives and health of captured enemy combatants are more precious to him than the lives of American children.
If Thomas Jefferson were alive today he would openly demand, with the support of every other American patriot, the immediate removal of that man from office to be tried for high treason moments before he is executed. Barack Obama has declared that he would prefer that American children get sick and die than a foriegn terrorist, captured in the act of open combat with American soldiers and/or Marines, become ill.
Short of physically wiping his ass with the Constitution on national television, there is no greater demonstration of his hatred for this country.
Charity begins at home. That is a common saying in America. And it has a sharp edge. It means that there will be occasion when a hard choice will need to be made. A time when we must say no. A time when we must look at a neighbor and tell them "I'm sorry. I would like to give you food as I can see you have need. But, my children are hungry and I haven't enough to feed them and you. So, I choose to feed them."
Obama has chosen to feed the neighbors while his own children starve.
Thomas Jefferson's absence has left an immense void. I ask all to please find our modern day Thomas Jefferson. I beg you, if you are reading this, please stand and make yourself known.
Until that figure can be recognized, I will stand, with the help of all who have the courage, in their place. I will make my voice heard by my representatives in government. I will make my voice heard.
I beg you all, please join me. Make your voice heard as I will mine. All of us together may make a difference. One is too few. Many are undeniable. Stand with me against the great tyranny of our day. The Founders stood against what was, at the time, the greatest military power in the world with little more than their resolve and their own small, personal fortunes. We may need to do the same.
I fear I have spiraled I to a rant. My head spins with the constant, multiple assaults on America coming from the White House and Congress each and every day. Had I nothing to do each day but write about the assaults levied upon us, I would scarcely have time to list them all, let alone address them all.
Please, please hear my call. All American citizens who treasure their precious few rights rise up and challenge this ultimate perversion of everything that made America great and demand the removal from office any person which has spawned, or aided, in these acts against the people.
We, the people, are the government. We MUST take back our country from the hands of communists. It is our right, and our duty, to cast off any government which no longer serves the will of America and revise or replace it. So said Thomas Jefferon then, so say I today.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Alex Lonchiadis

Help from the ACLU?

I would like to contact the ACLU. American Civil Rights are being infringed upon. Since I have not heard of any suit brought forth by, or statement from, the ACLU I must assume that they are unaware. So, I would like to contact them to discuss it myself. Since they are the self-proclaimed, and popularly percieved, protector of American Civil Liberties (hence, the name) I think they should be very interested in the aggregious attacks being perpetrated.
Well, what Civil Liberties are being attacked, one may ask at this juncture.
Shall we begin by discussing the new IRS task force whose charter is explicitly defined to seek out American wealth around the world and confiscate it? Yes, my fellow citizens. The long fought class war has now officially been declared. If you are one of those evil Americans that has found a way to accumulate personal wealth, be aware. Not only will the Massachusetts Senatorial Candidate Steve Pagliuci think that is unfortunate, but the IRS has established a special task force to seek out that wealth and take it from you.
Dubbed the Global High Wealth Industry group, the unit will launch "a small number" of audits of individuals. The high wealth group will seek to audit individual citizen's wealth as an aggregate of assets and corporations in their affiliation worldwide.
It is clear that the intention of this group is to index all assets, corporate owned or otherwise, associated with the individuals they target as personal income and tax it.
One wonders how this can be possible. Certainly corporate assets have already been taxed through the business that holds them. Now it appears that the person or persons who own, run, preside over corporations will be forced to pay income taxes on the assets of the corporation, which is already taxed on those assets.
In my personal opinion this is a declaration of class war on any citizen that has worked to accumulate any personal wealth so those funds can be siezed and re distributed. This is open air Marxism and very close to communist state siezure of property. So, where is the ACLU?
Well boys and girls, don't count on them fighting this battle on our side. Considering the founder of the ACLU was a card carrying communist and openly stated that he founded the organization to further his efforts to transform America into a socialist nation. In a nutshell, this task force is music to their ears and they will likely help the siezure of property on every possible occassion.
These are indeed disturbing times my fellow citizens. The question I find repeating in my mind is "Can we summon the resolve of enough Americans to combat this tyrannous communist siezure?"

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Alex Lonchiadis