Monday, November 2, 2009

Obama's Open Treason

Like most of you, I have a busy life to attend to. Daily responsibilities and obligations which I cannot ignore. There are people who count on me day to day who, for various reasons, I cannot let down. We all spend much of our time doing the things we need to do, and the time left is for the things we want to do.
This blog is something I want to do. I recognize that there are those out there that feel as I do about politics and current events. I also recognize (hoping to sound confident, not arrogant) that I may be more talented than others in the area of communicating those ideas via the written word. But it appears to ne that this blog may deserve to be listed among the things that I need to do, rather than things I want to do.
Like you I have been following the numerous stories in our Nation regarding healthcare. In particular, what I have begun referring to as Big Red, the healthcare reform bill making is way through Congress. But also, and don't kid yourself - very much related, the multiple threads of stories regarding the swine flu, seasonal flu, and their respective vaccines. As well as discussions regarding economy and affordability.
I recognize fully that the swine flu and seasonal flu are both real, legitimate threats to public health. They have been as far back as any records of human history go. The swine flu is nothing new. The US Military gave innoculations specifically targeted at the swine flu before I was born. The swine flu is yet another strain of the flu that humans will need to combat today, as in the past, as well as in the forseeable future. But, the swine flu is no more or less dangerous than the seasonal flu or other varied strains.
I do not seek to minimize the threat. I am taking the time to recognize the threat as a precursor to my assertion that the stories about swine flu have been siezed upon and propogated to exacerbate the arguments being made for a government takeover of American healthcare.
Make no mistake. I make the following statement with not one iota of hyperbole. A federal healthcare bill is a government takeover of American rights and the American economy. This, my fellow citizens, is a Bolshevic Revolution. If any form of this "government option" is ratified as law, we will be a fully communist nation. And there may not be a way back to liberty.
We have allowed a manchurian candidate to sieze power that he will not soon abdicate. We have allowed a domestic enemy of the US Constitution, the American way of life, and American people in general to take the highest office.
I am uncertain that any measure short of a complete revolution can set things on the path back toward the great vision of The Founders.
If you seek some justification of my referring to Barack Hussien Obama as a domestic enemy of America, look at the most recent iteration of swine flu story. Momentarily disregarding the vaccination of prisoners before law abiding, tax paying citizens. (We can address that fully at a later date.) More important is the news that the President of the United States provided foriegn enemies of America doses of a vaccine that has been stated as both in short supply, and essential to the health of American children.
That act is pure treason. Unabashed, unvieled treason on the part of the President. It is giving direct aid to our enemies in war time. There is nothng indirect or academic about this. The President has openly shown that he believes the lives and health of captured enemy combatants are more precious to him than the lives of American children.
If Thomas Jefferson were alive today he would openly demand, with the support of every other American patriot, the immediate removal of that man from office to be tried for high treason moments before he is executed. Barack Obama has declared that he would prefer that American children get sick and die than a foriegn terrorist, captured in the act of open combat with American soldiers and/or Marines, become ill.
Short of physically wiping his ass with the Constitution on national television, there is no greater demonstration of his hatred for this country.
Charity begins at home. That is a common saying in America. And it has a sharp edge. It means that there will be occasion when a hard choice will need to be made. A time when we must say no. A time when we must look at a neighbor and tell them "I'm sorry. I would like to give you food as I can see you have need. But, my children are hungry and I haven't enough to feed them and you. So, I choose to feed them."
Obama has chosen to feed the neighbors while his own children starve.
Thomas Jefferson's absence has left an immense void. I ask all to please find our modern day Thomas Jefferson. I beg you, if you are reading this, please stand and make yourself known.
Until that figure can be recognized, I will stand, with the help of all who have the courage, in their place. I will make my voice heard by my representatives in government. I will make my voice heard.
I beg you all, please join me. Make your voice heard as I will mine. All of us together may make a difference. One is too few. Many are undeniable. Stand with me against the great tyranny of our day. The Founders stood against what was, at the time, the greatest military power in the world with little more than their resolve and their own small, personal fortunes. We may need to do the same.
I fear I have spiraled I to a rant. My head spins with the constant, multiple assaults on America coming from the White House and Congress each and every day. Had I nothing to do each day but write about the assaults levied upon us, I would scarcely have time to list them all, let alone address them all.
Please, please hear my call. All American citizens who treasure their precious few rights rise up and challenge this ultimate perversion of everything that made America great and demand the removal from office any person which has spawned, or aided, in these acts against the people.
We, the people, are the government. We MUST take back our country from the hands of communists. It is our right, and our duty, to cast off any government which no longer serves the will of America and revise or replace it. So said Thomas Jefferon then, so say I today.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Alex Lonchiadis

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